WV State Health Information Assistance Program

West Virginia SHIP

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Volunteer Opportunities



Volunteer Roles:

Volunteer Counselor

A volunteer counselor will be trained to provide objective and confidential one-on-one Medicare counseling and assistance to Medicare beneficiaries and their families. This includes, but not limited to: answering questions related to Medicare Parts A & B, Medicare fraud and abuse, Medicare supplemental insurance, Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare Part D prescription plans, and programs to help with Medicare costs.


Helpline Volunteer

A Helpline Volunteer will be trained to answer the WV SHIP and SMP Medicare helplines and complete initial intake forms. Optional responsibility includes working with the Medicare plan finder tool.


Administrative Assistant Volunteer

Administrative volunteers provide clerical support to an assigned work unit within WV SHIP and SMP. General administrative duties include, faxing, printing, mailing, scanning, copying, shredding, preparing documents for distribution, and other clerical duties as assigned.


Community Outreach Facilitator

Community Outreach Facilitators help publicize and promote WV SHIP and SMP within their community by delivering information to community partners and/or representing WV SHIP and SMP at community events such as health fairs or other outreach events.  


Please contact Rebecca Gouty, State Director, at 304-558-3317 or 1-877-987-3646 or by email rebecca.a.gouty@wv.gov for more information or to apply to be a volunteer with WV SHIP and SMP.



This project was supported, in part by grant number 90SAPG0081 and 90MPPG0012, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official Administration for Community Living policy.

What's New

  • New Medicare Cards were sent to West Virginia beneficiaries between April and June 2018, Medicare does not send yearly cards and will not call you about card changes - if you get such a call, HANG UP! It is a scam!
  • Guide to Choosing a Medigap Policy is online.
  • 2024 Medicare Costs - This fact sheet provides the premiums and deductibles for Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance). It also includes information about the income-related monthly adjustment amounts for Medicare Part D (prescription drug coverage).
  • Nursing Home Compare website, rating nursing homes throughout the country, has been recently updated. 
  • Many Medicare preventive services are zero deductible and zero copay. Call 1-877-987-4463 to find out what services are covered. 




Mailing Address:

1900 Kanawha Blvd. East
Charleston, WV 25305


Town Center Mall, 3rd Level
Charleston, WV


(304) 558-3317, (877) 987-4463


(304) 558-0004

1900 Kanawha Blvd. East, Charleston, WV 25305 • Town Center Mall, 3rd Level • Phone: (304) 558-3317, (877) 987-4463 • Fax: (304) 558-0004