Maintaining your health is extremely important to having an overall healthy lifestyle.
Medicare offers many preventive services, such as flu vaccine, colonoscopies, and mammograms, at little or no cost to Medicare beneficiaries. To view more information about Medicare's coverage of preventive services please click here or please visit the Publications page to view more information.
Another important factor to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is being active and exercising your body. This page is meant to connect you to different health promotion programs offered through the local County Aging Providers to help you keep active. Use the below map to find health promotion locations near you!
WV SHIP is also a proud partner of the Million Hearts Campaign! The Million Hearts Campaign's goal is to prevent 1 million heart attacks and strokes between 2011 and 2016. Maintaining healthy lifestyle habits such as a healthy diet, exercise, and not smoking are important steps to take to prevent heart attacks and strokes. 
Please contact Rebecca Gouty, SHIP and SMP State Director, regarding any page updates.